
Last Updated on March 21, 2022

Finterest Capital Research Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Finterest”) is a Private Limited company incorporated on 22nd April, 2022 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Finterest is a professionally managed financial service company. Finterest is a Research Analyst.

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For any grievance you may write to us at grievance@finterestcapital.com


If reply from Level 1 is not satisfactory, client can notify the same to the Compliance Officer at  Mr. Nikhil Oswal  or call on +91 99871 11634



Name of the Research Analyst : Mr. Nikhil Oswal

SEBI Research Analyst Registration No: INH000012458

Reg. Office:804, Prasad Chambers, Opera House, Tata Road No-2,Charni Road East Mumbai- 400004

CIN No. U67190MH2022PTC381122      |   Website: www.finterestcapital.com